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An editable high resolution scientific image depicting The New Male Contraceptive Pill? A promising compound: YCT529

The New Male Contraceptive Pill? A promising compound: YCT529


Currently there are only a limited number of effective birth control options for males, although many exist for females. Scientists have now reported that a compound named YCT529 may act as an effective non-hormonal male contraceptive. In preclinical trials, YCT529 was able to effectively prevent pregnancy when given orally daily to male mice. When the treatment was stopped male mice were fertile again after 4-6 weeks, proving YCT529 to be a potential reversible male contraceptive. Given its effectiveness in mice, clinical trials of YCT529 are in preparation. If proven safe and effective in humans, YCT529 may provide an attractive alternative to other male contraceptive methods.



1. American Chemical Society. 2022. 2. American Chemical Society Meeting Newsroom. 2022 (video). 3. Bourguet, W., Vivat, V., Wurtz, J. M., Chambon, P., Gronemeyer, H., & Moras, D. (2000). Crystal structure of a heterodimeric complex of RAR and RXR ligand-binding domains. Molecular Cell, 5(2), 289–298. 4. Helsel, A., & Griswold, M. D. (2019). Retinoic acid signaling and the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Current opinion in endocrine and metabolic research, 6, 1–6.
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