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An editable high resolution scientific image depicting Synapse Dynamics - Serotonin

Synapse Dynamics - Serotonin


The action potential at the axon terminal promotes calcium influx through voltage-sensitive calcium channels. Intracellular calcium promotes the exocytosis of neurotransmitters (NTs). NTs may interact with postsynaptic receptors, transmitting a message to other cells. In a very dynamic process NTs may have other destinations: it may interact with presynaptic receptors; it may be transported from the synaptic cleft to the cytosol; be degraded by enzymes or constitute a new vesicle



Berger M, Gray JA, Roth BL. The expanded biology of serotonin. Annu Rev Med. 2009;60:355-66. doi: 10.1146/ PMID: 19630576; PMCID: PMC5864293.
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