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An editable high resolution scientific image depicting Steps of arbuscular mycorrhizea establishment in Angiosperms

Steps of arbuscular mycorrhizea establishment in Angiosperms


Arbuscular mycorrhizea establishment is divided into three steps. First, the asymbiotic phase were the fungal spore will germinated. If a plant is near to the spores, a molecular dialogue will enhances step 2 the pre symbiotic phase were the plant produce strigolactones and the fungal partner produice myc factor. Final, the last phase begin will physical contact and penetration of the fungi into the plant cell. The exchange of nutrient happens in the arbuscules



Oldroyd, G. Speak, friend, and enter: signalling systems that promote beneficial symbiotic associations in plants. Nat Rev Microbiol 11, 252–263 (2013).
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