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An editable high resolution scientific image depicting PDMS Microfluidic Chip Fabrication

PDMS Microfluidic Chip Fabrication


This template was adapted from the original submission. Edits were made to enhance scientific accuracy, optimal usability and/or to meet industry-leading design standards for science communication. This worflow summarizes the main steps in generating a PDMS chip from its design to application. Modeling the chip using CAD and doing simulations are the necessary steps before the actual fabrication. The overall process of chip-making can be time-consuming and requires a great deal of precision. The first phase of fabrication is to etch a mould onto a silicon base. Once this mould is complete, PDMS can be poured on the top and then peeled off to obtain the chip.



Chan, Paddy. (2017) Highly Sensitive Glucose Sensor Based on Organic Electrochemical Transistor with Modified Gate Electrode. Milionis, Athanasios. (2013) Combination of Lithography and Coating Methods for Surface Wetting Control. Sangeeta N Bhatia. (2014) Microfluidic organs-on-chips. Nature.
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