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An editable high resolution scientific image depicting Acute Immune Responses to Coronaviruses

Acute Immune Responses to Coronaviruses


This template was adapted from the original submission. Edits were made to enhance scientific accuracy, optimal usability and/or to meet industry-leading design standards for science communication. Coronaviruses are RNA viruses, some of which can infect human lung epithelium via the receptor ACE2. Viral RNA activates endosomal and cytoplasmic sensors, TLR3/7 and MAVS respectively. These receptors activate Interferon Regulatory Factors (IRFs) and NFkB to induce inflammatory cytokines, including interferons (IFN). Dendritic cells (DCs) sample antigen and migrate to lymphoid organs to prime adaptive immunity. CD8 T cells induce apoptosis after recognition of antigen on DCs or infected cells.



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