Tips For Better Presentations
Deliver a memorable presentation with eye-catching figures and slides! In this one-hour webinar, learn actionable tips and techniques for designing better presentations plus a crash course on how to use BioRender.
Tips for designing (and delivering) a great presentation!
- Hardware/software tips
- Design tips for slide decks
- Design tips for slide figures
Meet the expert: Shiz Aoki, CEO and co-founder of BioRender, shares her 10+ years of expertise as a distinguished science illustrator to help you bring your science to life - visually.
So today's topic is top tips for better presentation figures. What I'm actually going to do is also go through just a couple of refreshers on giving a good presentation in general. A lot of it is related to the figures, of course, and that's sort of where our forte is, but you know, having given a lot of these webinars, sometimes they're in the thousands of attendees, it becomes really important to make sure that you're presenting yourself overall in the best way that you can, especially if you're doing something important like defending your thesis or giving a big lab or department talk, maybe it's a virtual conference or an in-person conference, hopefully soon. So we'll touch on a little bit of hardware tips, software tips, how to design an entire slide deck (I'll touch on that just briefly), and then we'll dive into the actual presentation figures themselves. For those that are brand new to BioRender, here is a quick sneak peek into the usability of it. We are going to go through a bit of a demo, though, so don't worry about the speed of this GIF. You will go through a little bit slower on some neat tricks and features within the tool, and then of course, some common use cases for BioRender. Many of you who are power users or veterans may know this already, but really, you can create figures for the entire scientific endeavor almost, right from ideation and brainstorming all the way to publications, maybe grants, posters (again, one day), and more. Of course, the focus today will be on presentations. Alright, let's get started.
So again, today tips for designing and delivering a great presentation, broken up into roughly three sections here. So a quick review of hardware, software design tips for decks, and then design tips for slide figures specifically. And if you're just joining, feel free to use a chat to say hello or flag something. But if you've got a question, make sure to use the Q&A in the Zoom feature.
Hardware/Software Tips
Alright, so first things first. Audio quality from the audience's point of view can really make or break your presentation. So here is roughly, of course, it all depends on what you're using, roughly quality of audio. A lot of the times, I know, especially gamers, audio headsets like these big gamer headsets in the middle, those can have great sound, but they don't always have great microphone quality, so just be aware of that. Some devices are optimized to give really good sound again, if you're listening to music versus if you're actually giving a presentation. The microphone technology might not be as great. So I'm going to do something risky here and see if I can demo for you what it sounds like if you present with say Apple AirPods. I know many of you probably do, versus using no mic at all, so maybe just the native microphone that comes with your computer versus using something like a headset with a microphone. Now, we did do this test in our last webinar, so if you were there, then you know the answer already, but let's give this a try. I'm going to stop using my headset for a second. Okay, and what I've done now is I've switched to my AirPods as a microphone. So what you're probably hearing is a little bit more of a tinny, echoey sound. Maybe you can give me a signal if you hear it. Or maybe if you hear the difference. So I went from using option C to option A. It hopefully sounds a dramatic change, and imagine listening to this for an entire hour. It could be pretty draining on your audience, so just be aware of that. It sounds quite tinny, and it's not going to give the best presentation. Now let's switch to no microphone at all. I'm going to go to my, I guess, computer. So now I'm using my MacBook Pro internal audio. This is also going to sound a little bit different, maybe a little bit more echoey like I'm in a room. Yeah, some are saying that it actually sounds worse than the AirPods. Some people say it sounds far away, and that's generally what it sounds like. And then I'm going to switch back to my original headset. You'll see the dramatic difference. Okay, so this is my external headphones. There, hopefully, I can hear the difference there in the sound.
So, I'm not advocating for the specific brand, but I do advocate for using a microphone that's relatively close to your mouth. This is again when you're presenting from home; it's really important or home remote. You know, many presentations are still remote these days, so audio becomes really important, and none of us really went to school for this, right? So you're not going to know inherently, and also, if you're giving a presentation, it's really hard for you to know. For me, I sounded the exact same to myself using all three systems. So just be very aware of that, and if you'd like, I know last time, a lot of people wanted to know what exactly the brand was of the microphone that I'm using. If you really want to know, here it is, but again, I'm not promoting or advocating for this product. I just know it's on the cheaper end of a lot of the options, and it does the trick for me. You can give it a try; you can always return it if it doesn't work for you, but the take-home message here is to make sure to ask a friend or a colleague to really test your audio, maybe have them record it and play it back to you, and then don't be afraid to let your colleagues know if their audio quality is not great.
And then, to wrap up on the hardware part here, definitely make sure that your lighting is good. It’s great if you're centered in your screen. You won't know how many times that you know we attend presentations and the person is sort of dark because the light is behind them and they look like they're in sort of a witness protection program. Or you know you've got a messy room. I think we've all sort of been through that already and fixed up our backgrounds, but you know just be aware of that. How you present yourself is very important as much as the content.
Shameless plug here: within BioRender we do have some fun virtual backgrounds, so be mindful of when you're using these, but these are fun for lab meetings if you want to kind of spruce up one of your team meetings that's a little bit more fun. And here's me being silly. But within Zoom, if you are using that, there's actually this little video option where you can adjust the lighting of your video before you present. You can also touch up your appearance, so if you're feeling a little extra tired, you can actually use this slider to make your appearance look a little more airbrushed. I guess admittedly I'll use it sometimes, but it is there for you as an option. Just to know, I added this annotation tool plug-in. This is kind of a neat, again no affiliation whatsoever, but it's a really neat Chrome plug-in where you can actually mark up slides as you're presenting to sort of highlight or circle things. I think Zoom has a highlight wand. Oh, here it is annotate. Okay, so Zoom's got something where you could kind of like draw on the screen and such. Let's see if I can erase it. Well that's neat, so yeah those are always helpful too if you're trying to really draw attention to certain parts of your slide.
Design Tips for Slide Decks
Great, so zipping here to the next sort of category and that is design tips for overall slide decks. We get this question a lot. It is hard to give tips because every presentation is going to be a little bit different, all the content you want to show will be a little bit different, but there are a couple of things that I can highlight here. One is to try to unify the design of your entire deck. So hopefully what you're seeing here is just my entire Google Chrome browser. I am using Google Slides. I know many of you may not use Slides, you probably use PowerPoint, maybe Keynote. It'll be the same though, I think all of these shortcuts and features are the same. So if you look through here, we've got some nice harmonized color bars. So the first title slide has this nice blue background, the second one has this sort of split view. Maybe you can add like a photo on the left if you want to be a little bit more fancy with your graphics. One tip I'll leave you with as well, sometimes we see this where you'll have a bunch of logos or figures, some are PNG with a transparent background, some are not. In those cases, don't try to find the PNG version of all the logos or figures. Sometimes it's best to just wipe it clean and then put a white background behind everything because you probably won't have time when you're putting together a presentation to make sure that you've got PNGs for every figure. And then another tip I'll leave you with, try to make your first and last slides sort of match so you can bookend your presentation design. And then use your last slide. Take advantage of that because very often it'll just say "thank you" without any contact information or relevant info that you really want your audience to walk away with. You probably spend a lot of time on your last slide because it'll pause there for Q&A. Take advantage of that. Maybe add important contact information, some kudosives if you have a shout-out for anyone that's helped you, things like that.
Another tip is, say you're part of a company or an institution that has certain color branding and you want to go back and change every slide to be sort of matching that color brand. Instead of having to go to every slide and change the color every time, what you can do is come up here to format - sorry, slide. Now this is going to be different for PowerPoint. It might be slide, it might be edit. I'm not quite sure. But look for master slide or edit master. I click that and this is probably old for a lot of you but for me, I found out about this and I was so excited.
So all you do is actually right-click and change the background. When I do this, I can change it to whatever color I like because I formatted this deck in a way that will allow me to do this. So I could go with something as extreme as purple, and you'll notice that every slide is updated. This is looking a little strange. Let me go with something more traditional, maybe a maroon or a red. Okay, so you can see that everything is updated, still looks pretty nice. I can imagine a lot of brand logos are our red color, so this is a bit more dramatic.
The reason why I was able to do this was this is actually all red background slides with a white square on top. So it's really easy to sort of change the format and unify the color because all I did was change the background of all the slides. Now, if I leave, you can see here that my main presentation has updated without me having to go and change. Really, what it is is you're changing the foreground element on top of a red background.
So I hope that makes sense. I know it's sort of a weird workaround for color-coding all your sides, but again go to the master slide, edit background, and that'll update all of your slides if it's set up this way. A lot of templates that you use that are native to PowerPoint and native to Google Slides actually are set up this way already. Okay, so just a quick tip on how to sort of sort that slide. Actually, I'm happy to share this deck as well. I think it is public, so here let me link it in the chat, and you're welcome to sort of play around with that.
Um, and then check out how you've set it up, where there's sort of a white square on top of a red background. Great, all right, let's see where we were at. Ah, okay. So sometimes what you will probably be tempted to do is take your research paper or figure that you've recently published and then stick it into your presentation. What we do recommend is sort of splitting it up, especially for font size, and then breaking it up into several slides.
That's pretty straightforward, but just a reminder to make sure to do that and be cognizant of the size of your figure when you're presenting. Now, when you're presenting at home or remotely, you have a little more flexibility in the font size. But when we go back to in-person, you have to be really careful about the font size. We should have a minimum of, I think, internally we say 14, but that still might even be pretty small if you're presenting in a big auditorium, for example. If you're presenting at home or remotely, everyone's pretty, you know, nose to screen, so that's okay. You can get away with smaller font size.
Same thing goes with the type of font. Now, a lot of you, this might be a review, but make sure to use sans-serif font, which means it's this sort of non-fancy type font versus serif font, which has all these little decorations on it. Generally speaking, it makes it a little more dated looking, but there's a time and place to use serif Font. You'll usually find it in heavy bodies of text. Sometimes journals print in in serif font because it's easier to read a large paragraph when they have the serif font because each word looks almost like a design or a picture as opposed to individual letters. The serif actually helps you read sentences faster. However, for a slide deck, it is cleaner to use a sans-serif font. So we recommend using this for presentations. And sans-serif font examples are Arial versus Times New Roman, which is a serif font. Okay, and here's that annotate Chrome plugin again, which I won't go into details for. And I think we're just on time for diving into actual slide figure design tips. So why don't we dive right into Biorender?
Design Tips for Slide Deck Figures
I'm going to navigate over here to my BioRender slide deck. So this is going to be a little bit meta because I'm now using BioRender slides to teach about how to make slide figures. Bear with me here. If you're new to BioRender, I'm in the canvas view. These are all of my icons on the left-hand panel. In fact, I can search really anything here, like Mouse, and you'll see a whole selection of mouse-related icons, all in vector. So whatever I pull out, you'll see nice and crystal clear on my canvas. Okay, so what I'm going to go through is just a couple of tips on how to format your figures nicely for your presentations. Again, we have a very diverse audience today, so the types of figures I'm going to cover might not be exactly your research study, but just take the sort of tips and apply them to your figure type. It'll be sort of cross-disciplinary. And by the way, Biorender does have this slide feature now, which is great. I believe it is available to you if you have a premium account. You can make, you know, as many slides as you like. You can also collapse the slide sidebar like so. You can also collapse the icon menu like this if you need a little bit more room. If you're working on a smaller laptop and you need all the space you can get, you can do that as well.
Let's go ahead to our first slide here. So moving to slide number two, the first tip is to always check for contrast and accessibility. We get this question a lot of you know how do you make sure your figures are legible by colorblind audiences. Really, the best thing to do is to check in grayscale. Now, that sounds weird, and you probably hear us talk about this a lot, but it really is one of the most common mistakes we see in figure making. So what we have built into BioRender is this view canvas and grayscale option. Again, many of you may have already used it already, but a reminder that it is here in the bottom right, and you'll notice that my figure has changed from color to black and white. And in doing so, you see that a lot of the elements sort of disappear. That's your cue to go back in and increase the darkness or the lightness of those elements.So zooming in here a little bit, it looks like sort of a double-stranded DNA there is now single stranded. These little particles sort of disappeared into the cell. So what I'm going to do is go back into color mode, change it to something darker, maybe a dark blue. I'll change this DNA to something darker. Even if it's a richer color like red, it still has to be a darker red to be able to be really legible against that nucleus.
Alright, let's try that again. So you see here now it's standing out, and you can be sure that even colorblind audiences will be able to see it. You want to make sure your font is nice and dark as well, especially if you're overlaying text on top of another object. Really important. There we go, and why don't we, just for the fun of it, we'll finish off this figure apoptosing cell. Here's one, looks pretty good. Throw that in. Since it's apoptosing, why don't we make it sort of a grayish brownish color? And I'm going to add an arrow to show that there's sort of a before and after phase here. Oops, there you go. As you know, with all of our arrows, you can actually add and remove this fade, which is really nice. There's the before, there's after, and you can increase the thickness of the arrow. Sometimes when you increase the thickness, the head gets kind of weird and big like that. You can actually adjust the arrowhead size, which is really nice. Arrows don't get the attention they deserve in figure making, but arrows can really make or break your figure. So really think about that when you're designing your diagram. Okay, so we checked for contrast. This one looks pretty good. Let's move on to the next tip, which is to always check for font size and legibility. As I've already mentioned, when you're at home or you're presenting remotely, you can probably get away with a slightly smaller text size. For example, this figure, the font size is pretty small right now. It's about an eight, but my canvas is also a size nine inch by six inch, so it doesn't really matter. The ratio is what matters here. So if I go to present, I can present from BioRender. So I'm going to hit the present. You'll notice that you can probably read all the text on the page. You might have to lean in a little bit to read some of the font, but generally, you can probably read what's on the screen. So again, we do have the luxury of presenting remotely that you can use a smaller font size, but I would be careful generally speaking. Sometimes you'll have to go in and increase the font size for your figure. So you know, I would play around with that in BioRender. Again, right now it's an eight. Maybe I'll make it a 10 even. And in doing so, you know, I'll have to do a little bit of reshuffling around, reformatting. If you're a stickler like me and you want to make sure that all three or four boxes are aligned, what you could do is throw down some grid lines. You can see here when I hover over the ruler, some grid lines show up. This is a really good tip for aligning and spacing. So if I click down on the ruler, you see there, I left sort of a semi-permanent line. If you can see that dotted line here, that's going to tell me where I should align all of these elements. If you don't like the grid line system, I'm going to delete that. Sorry, the guideline is what we called it. You can actually take all four boxes. So again, see that these are all kind of misaligned like this. You can grab all four. I'm shift clicking. And let's see here, where is the Align? There we go. Align and align from the top. There we go. You can also align from the middle if they're all roughly different thicknesses. And finally, I think the last thing you can do is turn on and off this alignment feature. A lot of people don't know we have it, but you can actually snap a line. Do you see those little red lines that show up everywhere and purple lines? It can get a little noisy, so I leave it turned off. But some people love it so that they stay in check of where to add their elements like this.
So several ways to do the same thing, just wanted to show you how to align in BioRender, because yeah aligning is important for keeping your figure nice and neat. I probably want to nudge these guys over a little bit, there we go. All right, so the point of this is to again kind of tweak your figure to make sure that your font size is big enough, and again you might have to make it different if you're presenting in person versus remotely. Sometimes you forget that there's a difference there. Great. Another tip is, you know, when you're talking about something complex and you want to zoom into an area, um, this is actually a good tip for using our crop function, something like this where you know you want to show the whole instrument set up, but then you also want to show the location of the brain of the mouse which is way down here. What you could do is actually show both, where you have the instrument sort of shrunk down on the left to show the whole setup, and then what you can do is I'm going to control C, control V or command C, command V, so I have two duplicates. I'm going to circle crop the one on the right. So what I did was I clicked the crop option up here, and then I clicked Circle, so you can see the circle shape has formed and I'm going to zoom in to the area of Interest, maybe even more, there we go, and accept or apply the crop, and I can kind of do without what I want to, I can make it super large. Everything in BioRender is Vector based, so no matter how far in you zoom, it won't look grainy, and in order to connect the two, I need one of those call outs. So let's see if I type in "Zoom", yeah I get some nice zoom-in elements, so maybe something like this, this is pretty good. I'm going to adjust this to fit the circle that I've made. So nothing fancy, but it's really a nice way to highlight parts of a figure without making this super huge, and this is a grouped icon, so what I can do is double click and then it looks like these little elements are actually editable, which is nice. A lot of our grouped icons in BioRender are editable like this, so just keep that in mind. You can move some of these lines around. There we go, looks almost like a professional could put this together for you. Okay, so a nice way to declutter your figure, maybe add more space without adding too many more elements. Okay, and here's an idea of how to show steps in a figure. Sometimes you all like to animate certain steps, you know one, two, three, four, without showing an entire process and confuse your audience. I'm going to close up this icon Library, um, and so here's a way I would do it. I would work backwards, and so I would take my completed figure, so my completed protocol or pathway, and then duplicate it a few times, however many times you want steps. So maybe I'll duplicate this one, two, three, four times just by clicking the duplicate, and then I'm going to work backwards, so start with the fourth slide, that's where I want to end up, the third slide maybe I'll be this far into the process, the second slide maybe you'll be this far into the process, and then the first slide I will be maybe this far. So now if I hit present, I can advance the slide and show each step stepwise. Okay, so if you can create that environment or you can actually then export these four slides into PowerPoint or Google slides, and it'll be aligned exactly where you need it. Okay, if you want to create a brand new slide, you just click down here to add slide, and it'll create a brand new slide there for you, almost as if you have a new canvas started. Okay, so I'm going to delete that, same thing goes for this. I won't repeat it, but again what you could do is go four, three, two, one, and then successively show each step. So this is a good candidate for showing stepwise I guess animation in a slide figure. Another way I like to show progress in a slide, again I'm going to duplicate this figure three times, one, two, three, and what I'm going to do is not delete elements but actually fade them out, so you don't have to use this technique, but some people like it, so I'm going to show you. I've got Row one, Row two, and Row three. I'm going to actually take the second and third row and decrease the opacity, maybe to about 35 or 30 percent, so I'm showing the first section here, so I'm telling my audience to really focus up there. Maybe for the second one, I'll do the opposite, so I'll do one and three, and then for the third, all decrease the opacity for one and two. So what that will look like when I present is the first row is highlighted, and then the second and then the third, so just a technique to show again make your audience look at where you're trying to present instead of them getting distracted with a sort of huge amount of content on your page. Okay, so a couple of tips there. I know this wasn't a sort of how to use a how to use BioRender specifically uh tutorial, but hopefully, it picked up on a couple of things there. There is one really neat feature right now that I would encourage you to try, and that is to be able to collaborate on a figure with your colleagues. I know you've probably spent many hours attaching a PowerPoint version one, two, three, four, five to an email, and then them opening it up, making edits, attaching it to an email, sending it back. I think we've all been there. So one thing we've implemented in BioRender is actually real-time collaboration, and you can do this for presentation figures beautifully. What it'll look like for you all if you don't have access to real-time collaboration because I know it's only been released to a handful of people, if you want to try this out, all you have to do is come down here to collaborate with your colleagues in real-time waitlist tab. So if you all sign up for BioRender today, you just go to If you type that into your browser and sign up for your free account, you can do that. If you already have an account, navigate here to this tab. If you haven't already, click learn more, and this fun little pop-up will show up, and that'll basically prompt you to join the waitlist. So what I'm going to do here in our remaining time together, I'm actually going to show you how to do this, and then I'll show you how to collaborate on a figure together to save you lots of time. So I'm going to click join waitlist, and this is what you would do as well when you open it up, and it's going to take me to this page. So it looks like I am 1563 in line. The line does move quickly though. It's not like your local grocery store right now during COVID. It actually moves pretty fast, so what you can do is sign up for the waitlist. You can also add your colleagues that will make you move faster in the waitlist, so you can go ahead and do that it's free for everyone so don't worry you're not soliciting them to pay for anything they could be a current BioRender user or not they'll just be prompted to make an account no problem and with the magic of presenting actually my colleagues are going to take me off the waitlist now and so if I come back here oh let's see if I sign out let's see what happens if I sign back in I might okay there we go congratulations I'm off the waitlist so this is what you'll encounter when you are taking off the waitlist and usually it's pretty fast I would say you know within maybe a couple days to a week a lot of people have been taken off the waitlist now um but as you can see here it plays a little bit of a video when I've been invited to join real-time collaboration all right so now I'm in I've got fully activated real-time collaboration so I'm going to go back to my presentation file that I was working on with you all by the way if you're brand new to BioRender this is my gallery this is my templates up here or uh public templates and I'm gonna come down to my folder presentation tips file and what I'm going to do now is I'm actually going to invite my colleagues who are on this webinar as we speak I'm going to click share so what I did was I'm back on this slide deck you all are familiar with this already um come up here to share and I'm going to click away let's see [email protected] and Allison there we go and currently I can't select you know view only or comment only right now it's just full collaboration that will be released in the next month or so so stay tuned for that but I'm going to go ahead and send the invites all right so all I do is sit back and wait and um you can actually invite your colleagues even if they are on the waitlist if you're off the waitlist you can actually still invite them to collaborate they can't necessarily start their own file but they can start to collaborate with you which is really exciting they don't have to wait in the waitlist to start collaborating on your slide oh and look we've got Alison's joined Cindy has joined so three of us are now on the file which is great I see Allison's on the first slide Cindy's on the second maybe we can all navigate to the bottom side here together and start to collaborate together hopefully you can all still see my screen and what you'll start to see is my colleagues you know adding elements to the figure oh look Cindy's throwing in what I believe is a centrifuge it looks like and not everybody has to be on a premium account to collaborate I just saw a private message come in to myself all right so you can see here Allison's adding in some monocytes Cindy's adding some numbers to my figure and this is great because sometimes you just need your colleagues to help you work on a figure or maybe you work on an experiment together and someone did one part of the experiment and you really need them to fill out that part of the figure this is a really nice way to work on it together and then you don't have to worry about Version Control or you know are they working on the right version can you attach the file and send it out this way we can all work on it together and you can still use version history so if you don't like the way the figure turned out you can actually go back in history and change it back so really neat way to do this and I think I see another question coming into the private chats here of whether you can add passwords to certain folders or certain files not yet but what you can do is just not invite individuals that you don't want to have access to the file if you're part of a team you still have to specify you know who on the team gets access to your real-time collaboration file so don't worry about it being you know access to everybody and eventually we will also have the ability to track changes that other people make so you can also see that you'll also be able to comment so if Allison doesn't like the way I've set it up she can leave a comment and then I can resolve that comment with a change in the graphic okay and just for everyone who had to join late and this is a relatively short webinar today we're keeping it to 45 minutes so that you can all get some time back in your day but we are recording this so if you've registered even if you put your name down and you join for the last five minutes you still get access to the full recording today so we'll send it out and you can re-watch any part of it at your at your own pace.
And then since I'm here, why don't I show you how I would go ahead and Export some of these files, especially if you're working on BioRender slides. If you're working on a BioRender single figure, as in not this multi-canvas slide deck, you'll just export that one slide. If you want to export certain parts of your slide deck, for example, you might not be working on a presentation in BioRender but perhaps a multi-canvas figure, and I want to say export slides five, six, seven, eight. I can do that by clicking export, and what did I say, slide seven to eight? If I don't remember, I can actually just type in the number. Yep, there it is, number five to eight. The nice thing is the BioRender export feature will allow me to scroll through the slides I've selected. So five to eight means that's four slides down here, one to four, and I can scroll through like so what those four slides are in preview. And then dimension-wise, I think that looks good. Maybe I'll even bump it up just a little bit, 10 by 7, and that won't make anything fuzzy or anything like that. It'll just change the ratio. And then I'm gonna keep it PNG for now with a transparent background. If you have a premium account, you can click "transparent". I don't need 300; that's really high resolution. I think 150 is just enough for me for most presentations. You're more than welcome to select 300 if you have access to do so. I just feel like sometimes it's not necessary, and it kind of bogs down my slide deck. So I'm going to click export, and that's going to download right to my computer. I'll just take a minute there, and I'm going to open up my file. I don't know if you can see it because I've only got my Google presentations shared, but maybe what I'll do is come back here and insert the files. So if I go to my downloads folder, I open it up, I'm going to select all four figures. There we go. And now what I can usually do is have them all lined up and then import it that way. And basically what you do is you separate out all the slides. Oops, and I think this has to be centered. There we go. Okay, so all you have to do is export the slides and then import them directly into your slide deck like so.
We covered quite a bit today. Thank you for sticking with us to the very end. I have a couple of mini announcements here. Again, sign up for your free BioRender account if you haven't already. We also have a 14-day free trial of BioRender Premium, so that gives you full access to everything that I showed you today, and you can even ask your department head or your procurement office. Sometimes your institution will already have access to BioRender Premium, so maybe it's best to check first. Also encourage you to sign up for the real-time collaboration waitlist because it will move pretty quickly, and you'll be able to start accessing real-time collaboration figure making with your colleagues again specific to presentations, great way to collaborate. And then we'd love for you to win some free swag, stickers, some nerdy BioRender t-shirts and pens and notepads. We've got quite a few packs to give out. Please link or click the link to the survey there, it's in the chat, and all we ask is I think three questions. One is, you know, what are your current favorite tools of choice? And also, we'd love to hear your feature ideas. So anything under the sun, if you just really wished BioRender had this one feature, what would that be? It could be a chemistry upload drawing tool, maybe an animation feature, it could be something as small as, let's see, I don't want to give you ideas, but yeah, really anything under the sun. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Here's a survey, so really just a few short questions, and then we'll draw several names and start giving out swag packs by the end of this week or early next week, and then we'll notify you with your mailing address so we can get it to you.
Besides that, I think we can wrap it up there. We're a few minutes over time. Thank you, everybody, so much for your undivided attention and for attending today, and we hope you'll join our next few set of webinars this month and next month. The themes will be Grant figures. I know a lot of Grant deadlines are coming up, so we hope you'll sign up for one of those. We also have graphical abstracts, I think is the next one coming up in a week or two. It's all on our website webinars, I believe should be there, and look out for emails for the recording from today. Okay, thank you so much for attending. Stay safe out there, and we'll see you the next one. Hope this was helpful.